Monday, July 25, 2016

1.1.2 Content Release, and patreon up

Two major pieces of news today:

1. The new content release is here. Some highlights include:

-A mostly constructed and explorable Trysnaak
-An entirely new area, Silent Bluff
-The next plot segment, which takes place across the two aforementioned areas
-Several new enemy types, including a more difficult boss fight
-Additional weapons, armors, and abilities for various classes
-The first shops in the game, selling a variety of items (some more useful than others)
-Some minor graphics upgrades here and there on spells and weapons
-A couple more of the library books have been filled in with useful information
-Row formation in battles, where each row has different effects (only properly implemented for the player so far, it needs more work on the enemy side)
-Probably various other minor things that I'm forgetting

As always, the link is on the right, as well as right here:!X51xSBwZ!mso3U6IknxlFhH5qqKEExdngLPonXsRTIzfQhgL2GiQ

I've run through the game myself and haven't encountered any major bugs, but I'd be surprised if  everything was absolutely perfect. Feel free to leave comments if you find any, so I can fix them.

I'm certainly not the world's expert on balancing, so I can't promise that all the fights will be exactly the difficulty that I intend. I've played through each of them multiple times, so I can confirm that they're all at least possible, though some might take more strategy than others.

 2. Given that there's actually an appreciable amount of content now, I've put together a patreon page:

 For anyone not familiar with how that works, it's a system by which people can give me monthly donations in order to allow me to continue working on the project over time, and possibly receive some perks in exchange. As for what that means for Dragonfall specifically: Anyone who wants to can choose to donate to the patreon campaign. Regardless of donating or not, the full game will be free. If all you want to do is play the game, then you'll be able to do so without paying any money at all. People who donate will be eligible to receive various things in exchange. The full list is on the site, but they include things such as being listed in the credits, helping to design an NPC, and similar. If I receive a larger quantity of donations, it will give me the ability to put more resources into the game. My ideal goal would be to turn game-making into a full-time job, which would take quite a bit of donations, but would help increase both the quality and quantity of releases substantially.

As I'm rather new to the patreon thing, the various aspects of the campaign are subject to change as I figure things out, but I'll do my best to communicate beforehand if things are going to become too different. I might at some point move to a model where donators get the newest versions slightly earlier than free players, though I haven't decided that for certain. In either case, even if I do, the full game would still be free, just slightly delayed.

As always, thanks to everyone for your support, and enjoy the game! 


  1. Excuse me, but anytime I tried to open save file that contains recruited enemies, I get Type Error cannot read property 'classface' of undefined...

    1. Hm, I haven't encountered that in any of my tests before. I'll look into it. What enemy was it, and what class were they recruited into?

    2. The imps. Any class.

      Also, apparently Thugs/Plant minion/harpy are not meant to be recruited? The first two disappears regardless any class, and error on recruiting harpy as apprentice.

    3. That definitely shouldn't be happening. I'll dig into it, and hopefully I can have a bugfix up soon. Thanks for the report.

    4. Ok, minor update: the good news is that I figured out what's causing the error on load. Basically, when an enemy is recruited the game dynamically generates an actor and populates it with the appropriate data for the new actor. However, when the save screen tries to load the portrait, it doesn't see the dynamic actor since the game hasn't been loaded yet. I haven't quite figured out how to fix it yet, but I'm working on it. Might just have to remove the portraits from the load screen, but not sure.
