Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Preliminary sprite work and initial planning for the boss fight are complete, so now it's on to the programming phase. How long that takes will naturally depend on what sorts of bugs pop up, but I'm hoping it doesn't end up taking *too* long.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Current tasks

The next bit of content will include the next major boss fight, which is the most difficult so far (from a programming perspective, though also probably in terms of gameplay). I have it mapped out with three distinct phases, each with certain fight mechanics to pay attention to. Hopefully programming it doesn't cause too many problems, but regardless I'll attempt to keep updates here with how it's coming along.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Tiny Bugfix

Turns out that build had a couple of missing files, so I've added them in and re-uploaded. New link:!vw8miLpK!-v-TOoLTUR1nlCkfTretIqH9zzN_SIsrWjsNo7pmp2Y