Monday, October 3, 2016

Apologies for the lack of communication. Mild illness combined with unstable internet for a duration wound up distracting me from posting. That said, I have still been working. New release should be within a couple of days, assuming no catastrophes.

In the interim, I've had reports of a few bugs, so here's the status of the ones I've heard about so far:

1) The various class graphics for Faurach are now in the game.
2) The post-battle cutscene in the warehouse no longer repeats indefinitely.
3) The wizard hat should no longer cause the game to crash.
4) The spirit soldier ability is now non-accessible like it should be, but also won't crash the game once it is accessible.
5) Status effects in general should now behave a bit more predictably with respect to durations. The most notable effect of this is the Tactical Avoidance ability should actually function now. Side effects may exist with other abilities lasting a bit longer than intended, but that can be more easily smoothed out going forward.
6) It's been reported that various merchants in the bazaar cause the game to crash. However, I haven't been able to cause this to happen at all. I've tried buying all sorts of things from a wide variety of merchants under different circumstances and everything seems fine as far as I can tell. If anyone has a save file where this is happening, it would be quite helpful to track it down.
7) It's also been reported that reaching battle the battle turns of the fifth party member sometimes causes crashes. The person mentioned specifically an imp apprentice, but I've checked everything I can think of relating to imps, apprentices, and fifth party members, and haven't found anything. A save for this one might be helpful as well.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient, and hang tight for the next build.

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