First of all, Link:!K90RgaoR!3DpNPCWygJnftETDus_KEMob_fck-R9cakjMw9IS0HI
Second of all, Patch notes:
-Next plot segment added; only a few maps since this bit takes place back in Trysnaak
-A couple of new unique enemy classes, and one new unique recruitable enemy
-Greatly increased TP gains across the board, because nobody was getting enough to actually use it
-Fixed a bug where the imps outside of the castle (on fire) might fail to recruit
-Made the abyssal claw limit break actually attainable this time
-Zhaleh can now deal damage with her damaging abilities
-Gwendolyn's Barren Gale should no longer permanently remove people from the party under certain conditions
-Gwendolyn's Barren Gale should no longer cause the mountans to continuously blink in and out of existence
-Gwendolyn's Barren Gale should no longer cause the game to hang if it defeats a party member with damage
-Seriously that spell was more trouble to get working than almost the entire recruitment system
As for the plan going forward:
The next couple of weeks are going to be devoted to polish. That is, I'm going to be working on icons, animations, balance, and so on for the content that already exists. Hopefully I'll put out a new release (with no new story content) around the end of the month (but again, not a promise). Any comments, complaints, bug reports, etc please comment. Thanks for playing!